Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sunday School Curriculum

This week we started a four-week series called “God’s Big Story.” This series will provide teenagers with a big-picture view of God’s story, with the goal of giving students a healthy understanding of what the Bible is about and how it applies to their lives.
In this first week, we looked at Genesis 1–2 and examined the picture of how God created the world. The world is broken, but God didn’t create it that way. He created a world that was truly “good.” It’s important for our teenagers—and for adults—to remember how God meant things to be. We live in a world filled with pain and difficulties, but God designed a world that was good.
Each week in our series, we’re giving students two key words to help them remember the big idea. This week our key words were CREATION and GOOD. Simply put, God created the world, and it was good.

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